The CBS 50th Project
The Project
It’s our prayer that God would enable us to establish a scholarship fund that’s enough to pay 50 new trainees in the coming years. God raised up men and women to train for a lifetime of gospel service. We want to create a training scholarship to continue to enable more people just like them to train with CBS.Wouldn’t it be incredible if we could be ready with the capital to train them? Imagine the impact of, in God’s kindness, another 50 equipped gospel workers being sent out to proclaim Christ crucified!

13 pastors
14 ministry trainees
1,000 students who love Jesus
50,000 students who need Jesus
1 big mission
CBS staff team 2025
CBS staff team 2025
How can I help?
God has been incredibly gracious in getting us to this point. Please pray that he would provide the resources we need to finance training going forwards.
How to give
Bank transfer
BSB: 062-188
Account: 1021-1389
Name: Campus Bible Study
Bank: CBA
Description: Full Name Project50
International Transfers
Credit/debit card
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I have a question
We’d love to help you! Let us know how we can contact you and we’ll get in touch.
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Our Mission
Prayerfully proclaiming the crucified Christ as Lord of all,
we evangelise, teach, train and send each other
as God’s servants into all the world.