Meet Jesus

Many of us have encountered various interpretations of Jesus through different mediums – online, in books, or in conversations. One way to uncover the truth behind the life of Jesus is by opening up a bible and reading His historical account with others. Come along in this journey for shared discovery and insights into the significance of Jesus and his message for our world and ourselves!

Easter Talks

Thanks for joining Meet Jesus at Easter! To listen to the recording of our CBS Easter talks by Richard Chin, please click on this link.

You can find out more about Sydney-wide Meet Jesus events here.

Coming up...

Stay tuned (and get excited) for our upcoming Meet Jesus events on campus this year! You can also check out for what’s happening across the wider Australia!

In the meantime, we’d love for you to join us as we kick off Term 2 of the Bible Talks in Week 1 (27th May)!

Uncover the truth for yourself!

Still have more questions? Want to find out more about Jesus? Connect with us to learn about what steps to take next – we’d love to show you our brand new Uncover resource which goes through the Gospel of John!

To find out more and join us on campus, you can also visit our website or click below.

Dr. Jerome Jayasekera

Jerome was born in Malaysia, grew up in the US and spent time in Egypt. Having come to faith as a postgraduate student at uni, he loves the opportunities that uni life opens up to encountering Jesus. He is super keen to help everyone at uni, particularly postgrads and academics, find true meaning and life in Jesus. He loves spending time with his family, outdoor activities, and engaging in thought provoking conversations.


Because the Christian life is about service, CORE Training is a series of practical small group training courses. They will equip you to know and share what you believe, to read the Bible on your own and with others, to lead a Bible Study group, and help you transition from Uni to the rest of your life!

Make the most of your university years to be equipped to serve now and well into the future!


If God has made the world and the Bible tells us how we are to live in the world, theology is all about knowing God truly and learning to view the world with His eyes.

CORE Theology is a fun and engaging weekly seminar that won’t let you sit back with indifference. Wherever you are, we want to stretch your thinking and firm-up your foundation to live rightly in service of God and others!