Introducing Jesus...
No other person in the history of the world has matched the influence of a young carpenter turned preacher, from the little town of Nazareth. Those who know him have made radical decisions to give up everything for the sake of being one of his followers. They have joyfully suffered great loss – friends, fame, family – even their very lives, just to tell the world about Him. His name is Jesus – do you know him?
Jesus has upended the whole world because he is the Christ – this isn’t his last name, but a title like ‘King’ or ‘President’. It is saying that Jesus is no-less than the eternal saviour and ruler of the world that God has promised… But we are getting ahead of ourselves! In short, Jesus is a pretty big deal, and we would love to introduce you to Him. He already knows you – he made you and has given you life – so I guess you could say, ‘it is time to meet your maker!”
Now normally, hearing those words brings a sense of foreboding and imminent death. Thankfully, that is not what we have planned! Just like meeting anyone, we need to listen to what they say about themselves, but also ask lots of questions, and so that will be our aim. Each week we will read from God’s Word, the Bible, and discuss together what it says about Jesus … and your questions are always welcome! Along the way, this will also tell us some pretty important and challenging things about us and our world and what really matters.
Introducing Jesus is an interactive course that runs over seven weeks where we explore God’s claims about Jesus. Each session only runs for an hour and will have space for questions and discussion as well as learning from the Bible. If you come along, we make no assumptions about what you know or believe, but seek to explore what God says together – and all questions are welcome! If you aren’t feeling sure about coming along, you’re welcome to take it one week at a time. But we would encourage you to commit to the whole course to see the whole picture of who Jesus is and why it matters! It is only a brief introduction, but we think you’ll agree that the person we meet is more compelling and incredible than we had thought or imagined.
In Term 3, we are running the course on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 2pm, starting in week 4 (5 October). Let us know what time works for you – or if none do, let us know when you are free and we will try and make it work!
Keep reading for a taste of what is covered in the course…
Introducing Jesus the...

1. Creator…
2. Doctor…

3. Judge…
4. Saviour…

5. Living…
6. Lord…

7. Your…
There’s a taste – will you join us to continue the introduction?
(Or if you really can’t wait, you can read a bit more here.)