Jesus still lives
Have you met him?

 "And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe, and they were alarmed. And he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here.".
Mark Chapter 16 verses 5 and 6


2000 years ago, some women entered a tomb expecting to find the dead body of their teacher buried in a tomb. But instead they find it empty and a young man tells them that Jesus was risen, he was no longer dead. 

Who was this person Jesus who was able to rise from the dead? Where is he now? And how can I meet him? 

Jesus still lives. Have you met him? 


This is the greatest true story that there has ever been. Jesus died but is now alive, and still lives! And you can meet this Jesus now in the Bible. Find out more about who he is, why he died and what his story means for you. 

At Campus Bible Study, we would love for you to meet this Jesus who still lives. If you would like to know more, please get in contact with us below or join us at one of our events! 

If you would like to read more online about who this Jesus is, you can learn more at

Join us in Term 3 to find out more

Every Week | Bible triplets

Meet Jesus by reading the Bible in a smaller group of three people! Ask a friend or fill in the form below

The gospel of Mark is a biographical account of Jesus’ life from the eyewitness of Mark! Here are some suggestions that may help you with reading


Suggested passages

  • Chapter 1 verses 14 to 38 *
  • Chapter 1 verse 40 to Chapter 2 verse 12 
  • Chapter 8 verse 27 to Chapter 9 verse 1 *
  • Chapter 10 verses 32 to 52
  • Chapter 14 verses 32 to 65
  • Chapter 15 verses 16 to 41 *
  • Chapter 15 verse 42 to Chapter 16 verse 8 * 

* denotes key passages if you are only able to read a few passages

N.B. Chapter numbers are the big numbers in the Bible and verse numbers are the smaller ones

How to read Mark’s gospel?

A simple and helpful way to read is the 5Rs 

Retell | Retell the events in the narrative

React | How do characters react to Jesus?

Reveal | What does the narrative reveal to us about Jesus? 

Reason | Why do you think Mark has included this story in the narrative? 

Respond | How are you going to respond to what you’ve learnt in the narrative? 


Every Week | The Bible Talks

Come throughout the term as we look at Mark’s account of the story of Jesus in a lecture-style format. Join us each week of Term 3 to find out why Jesus living now still matters for you! 

Tuesday 12-1pm | Colombo Theatre B

Wednesday 12-1pm | Electrical Engineering G023

Thursday 12-1pm | Chemical Science M17


Mark Drama

Weeks 1+2 | Mark Drama

A dramatic re-enactment of Mark’s account of the story of Jesus, where you get to experience what it was like to see and hear Jesus

Friday 16 September 7pm (Mandarin)

Sunday 18 September 2:30pm (English)

Tuesday 20 September 6:30pm (English) 

Thursday 22 September 6:30pm (English)

Get a ticket for you and a friend now at

Week 5 | Sharing stories of Jesus

In our small Bible study groups on campus throughout the week, we will be sharing stories of Jesus from the gospel accounts and also how Jesus’ story has affect our story and lives even today!


Visit a church and find out more

We would love to have you join us each Sunday! Please get in contact using the form below for more information and so that we can welcome you on the day


Unichurch | Sunday 6pm | Keith Burrows Theatre

A church which meets at UNSW, for local university students.

Click here to join us via Youtube.


FOCUS church | Sunday 10am | Ainsworth Theatre

A church which meets at UNSW, particularly suited for international students.

Find out more

Dr. Jerome Jayasekera

Jerome was born in Malaysia, grew up in the US and spent time in Egypt. Having come to faith as a postgraduate student at uni, he loves the opportunities that uni life opens up to encountering Jesus. He is super keen to help everyone at uni, particularly postgrads and academics, find true meaning and life in Jesus. He loves spending time with his family, outdoor activities, and engaging in thought provoking conversations.


Because the Christian life is about service, CORE Training is a series of practical small group training courses. They will equip you to know and share what you believe, to read the Bible on your own and with others, to lead a Bible Study group, and help you transition from Uni to the rest of your life!

Make the most of your university years to be equipped to serve now and well into the future!


If God has made the world and the Bible tells us how we are to live in the world, theology is all about knowing God truly and learning to view the world with His eyes.

CORE Theology is a fun and engaging weekly seminar that won’t let you sit back with indifference. Wherever you are, we want to stretch your thinking and firm-up your foundation to live rightly in service of God and others!