- How do we know we are saved even when we believe Jesus died for us as a gift from God? How can we ensure a life where we don’t become passive or deferring away from God?
- Hebrews 10:16-18: what does it mean “I will put my laws on their hearts…?” Is it not the OT law? Is it that we should want to do God’s will and not obey God’s law?”
- Why does Paul refer to Peter as “Cephas”? Is there any significance to this?
- In Matthew 18:15-17 Jesus tells us to rebuke fellow Christians in private first before public, was this the case for Paul rebuking Peter? In the passage if seems very public “I opposed him to his face” (v11).Â
- If I’m trying to live with Jesus and in doing so fulfil the law, how can I make it clear to people that Christianity isn’t about law keeping but trusting in Jesus?