What do you mean that the law “limits the damage of our sin”? Don’t all sins do the same damage?
If the law is a temporary thing for limiting damage of sin, why wasn’t Jesus sent earlier?
What evidence is there in the OT that the law is time bound? e.g Exodus 12:17 says the Passover should be “observed… as a statue FOREVER”.
Are there any old testament laws we are called to obey?
Where do animal sacrifices sit in with this?
If we are not bound by OT law, and saved by faith not works, how should we approach commands/instructions given in the NT that we might consider specific to 1st century context (e.g. head coverings)? If some commands are context-bound, how do we tell which ones are/aren’t?
How does what we have learnt about the Law (not under the Law) work, given a passage like Mathew 5:17-18. How do we reconcile these passages? How do we understand Jesus’ teaching on the law in the sermon on the mount in light of our identity as Christians who done live under the law?
How does the guardian (school/discipline master) lead us to Christ if it’s there to reduce the damage of sin?